Atot, as he is famously known and called by all his mates, is a nice young gentleman who is so humble, respectful, very discipline and committed to whatever task he is given. Indeed, he is one of the quite gentlemen in class and campus at large. His love and care for friends is beyond measure. His God fearing and humble attitudes are some of the elements I cherish so much.
The first time I met this gentleman was when we were put in groups to do assignment in our class. Having introduced ourselves at our first meeting, we quickly started work on the assignment. As usual, each of us wanted to prove our level of knowing. This attitude is characteristically characteristic of first year students (fresh students) who usually do not know the intellectual level of one another. Luckily enough, this young man wasn't the "show show " (yooyoo) type but one of the serious guys one can ever think of. He did extensive research on the question that was given to us. We knew that when he was given the chance to explain the issues he raised before we could consider them. In actual fact, unlike today, everybody in the group was very serious and hardworking. This was usually determined by one ability to eloquently explain one's points so convincingly that no one was left skeptical. That was also our benchmark for the consideration of one's points. And he did exactly that.
Within the same group, this young man, the group leader, Mr. Kubugu and I formed our study group; since then we became more familiar as we get closer to each other day by day. Having being together for some time, we realised the signs of compatibility among us should we find a room to stay together. So we decided to look for a room together with another fine quite young gentle man, Mr. Daniel Kuuerah, the poet. As I speak, we stay together anytime we are in school.
The dedication and seriousness that characterizes this young man leave no doubt in me that approximate what I essentially view as a classic symptomatology of a workaholic. In fact, he demonstrates a high level of maturity and levelheadedness and that signaled ASSOL Executives to appoint him as the chairman of the Editorial Board. Indeed, he is a refined and well informed young man who is very dynamic. I must make it clear that I am not just lacing words together to eulogize him but a true refection of his live. Those who are closer to him can attest to this incontestable fact. For the purpose of the doubting Thomases, it is evidently clear that the ASSOL website creation was spearheaded by him as the chairman of the board with the support of his board members. This alone is enough a justification that all that I said about him are true and not fiction.
It is indeed abundantly clear that I cannot conclude this write up without making mention of one key element of him which has caught the eyes of so many people within and beyond our class. Many students have wrongly perceived this young man to be a womanizer simply on the grounds that he is most at times seen moving or probably studying with ladies. Let me use this opportunity to erase that erroneous impression from those who perceived him to be such. The fact is that he is far from being what you think about him. It is just one of the ways he shows concern and care for ladies. He doesn't do that to only ladies but guys as well. I entreat you to get closer to him and know him better than casting memorable aspersions on him without any verifiable facts. My good brother, it is my fervent hope and sincere prayer that God gives you long life to accomplish and enjoy the fruits of your sweat. May you also live long to see your grandchildren.
Let me hasten to add that it is practically impossible to use alphabetical construction to absolutely describe you. On that note, I want to use this piece as an added voice to the numerous well wishers across the country to celebrate you as today marks another milestone in your life. I wish we were on campus, we would have "broken bottles" to mark a new beginning in this new year added to your years. In fact, distance has been an impediment to my physical presence at the party's ground where the jollification and merriment would be done. But all the same, I'm with you in spirit. Enjoy your day. Happy birthday bro.